Traffic Control and Flagging

For every city, county or private company
that work on the roadways of California
this class is for you

  • If you are using flaggers, have they been trained in the 9 topics Cal/OSHA requires in Title 8 CCR 1599, as well as caltrans guidelines?

  • Are you putting out traffic control following the new California MUTCD 2006 guidelines?

Classroom Training

  • Classroom training is approximately 6 hour
        Length of class is determined by type of training needed
          Traffic control
          Or combination of traffic control and flagging

  • Topics include:
Flagging Class covers:
§         Cal/OSHA Title 8 CCR 1599
§         Covers – 9 topics
§         As well as pertinent information from the California MUTCD 2006 guidelines

Traffic Control class covers:
§         Residential, urban and rural temporary traffic control, excluding freeways
§         Nightime is not covered but can be added to the training
§         Topics covered
o       Parts of the workzone
o       Uses of different traffic control devices
o       Spacing of traffic control devices
o       Safety within the workzone

Our goal is to provide maximum safety

·        Cost is determined by number of student, location of training and classes taught.

Safety Training Zone

Has developed helpful tools which make it easy to take what you learn
in the classroom and apply them to your work place

Students who successfully complete the class
are issued pocket cards and wall certificates